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Anonymous | Nick Frank

Artistic photography from Munich


The Challenge

Anonymous, who are the people we meet every day? One thing is clear, at the end of the day the faces fade away without us ever knowing the stories behind them. Artistic photography from Munich.


Free project



Multi compsoing Anoymous - Coverbild
Multi compsoing Anoymous Part 2 - Gelbe Personen vor gelbem Hintergrund
Multi compsoing Anoymous Part 3 - Gelbe Person vor gelbem Hintergrund
Multi compsoing Anoymous Part 4 - Schwarze Personen vor orangenem Hintergrund
Multi compsoing Anoymous Part 5 - Schwarze Personen vor orangenem Hintergrund
Multi compsoing Anoymous Part 6 - rote Personen vor rotem Hintergrund

Retouching: Bildergut